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Spring Dot-To-Dot And Graph Printables

Spring is in the air, and so are these fun Spring printables.  These Spring worksheets that have a dot-to-dot and a graph on them are perfect for students to work on independently.  Your students love dot-to-dot printables, and now they can also practice their graphing skills.

Here’s how they work.

Step 1 The Dot-To-Dot

Students do the dot-to-dot. But do students really need practice counting?  Isn’t it too easy for them? Nope, and Nope. The more students can interact with number sequence the better.  Students need to manipulate number and practice counting so that when it comes time for adding and subtracting they have a visual in their head.  

A Dot-To-Dot Is Not Too Easy

Remember, a dot-to-dot is a number line that is in the shape of a “hidden” object.  Students love them for a reason. They are easy enough to have success and hard enough to keep them engaged.

Morning Seatwork Solution

Independent activities are especially lovely for morning work.  When students first enter the classroom in the morning, they need something to do independently. Independence builds confidence in your little learners.

Independence Means Confidence

This sense of independence is such a huge confidence builder.  I’ve seen students go from not being able to do anything for themselves blossom into confident little learners when the expectation of independence is placed on them.

Step 2- Graph

After the students do the dot-to-dot, they can complete the graph. The built-in seek and find activity allows students to practice finding and counting the shapes found in the graph. This can be tricky for some learners who have a hard time with one-to-one correspondence.  That’s why practice is so important.

Help For Students with One-to-One Correspondance Issues

One strategy for students who have issues with one-to-one correspondence is to number the objects on the picture. First, they mark the objects by writing a one over the first object and a two over the second object, etc.  Then, they can keep track visually as well. Sometimes students who have short-term memory problems need to have this type of strategy.

Step 3 Get Creative

Now that the “work” of the counting and graphing is done students can get creative.  Having early finishers can be a challenge. This is a great optional step because it extends the activity for students who are early finishers and gives others a little more time to complete the counting and graphing without feeling like they are “behind.”

I’ve seen some students get super creative with this part.  Adding to the picture is always fun and a great insight into how their little brains are working.  

Satisfaction For You

These Spring themed independent worksheets also give you the satisfaction of knowing your students aren’t doing “Just a  Dot-to-Dot” they are also practicing their graphing skills. Then when they’re done, they can get creative and color and add to the picture.

Spring Time Surprise

To get you started with these, I am giving you a sample.  Try it out and see how much you like it.

Complete The Set

Then complete the set with this Spring Time Freebie.

You will get all 3 sets which include the count by 1s, 5s, 10s, and 2s. And, (wait for it…) a bonus set of 12 template/color sheets for springtime projects.  We will talk more about this cool bonus in the next post but be sure to grab it all by clicking the picture below.

Do You Really Want This Great Set???

Click the picture above and fill out the required info. I can’t send this to your email inbox unless you give me your email.  So make sure to fill it out and head to your inbox to confirm it’s you and download all you Springtime Dot-To-Dot and Graph activities and the bonus templates.

Step one: Click above image

Step two: Fill out the required info

Step three: Go to your inbox to confirm your interest and download your new (easy prep) resources.  

3 Steps and you are done.  NICE!!!!

Count by 2s Dot-To-Dot and Graph

Instagram- Update

Do you love Instagram? Well, I’m posting new content there all the time.  I just recently posted a fun chant you can do with your students when they forget punctuation during writers workshop time.  Follow me, and you can join other like-minded (amazing) teachers like yourself.

@makingthebasicsfun is my handle. Click and follow. Welcome to the fun.  

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Picture of Angie K

Angie K

I love to help teachers create an amazing teacher life.
I've taught for 25+ years and I want to help you find joy and energy in each day.

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