This is the BEST way to Increase Student Problem-Solving and Creative Skills

Fun Fall Writing Prompt and Problem-Solving and Creative Skill Building Activity

Develop the Creative and Problem-Solving Mind With Transformations and Writing Can students get too much creative and problem-solving practice? We’ve all heard the studies about the 21st-century job market.  Jobs will belong to those who have solid academic skills, and… to those who have creative and problem-solving skills. (Gulp, a little nervous for my own […]

Independent Letter and Sight Word Practice- Sneak Peek

Sneak Peek of Independent Letter and Sight Word Practice

Independent Letter and Sight Word Practice- Sneak Peek Practicing letters, letter sounds, and sight words can be labor intensive for the teacher. This independent letter and sight word practice tool is easy to prep and easy to use. No more sitting with individual students practicing fundamental skills. Not Enough Hours In The Day? Teaching letters, […]

38 Routines and Procedures You Must Teach Your Students

Routines and Procedures

38 Routines and Procedures You Must Teach Your Students Routines,  they’re the stuff a successful year is made out of.  They are the difference between crying in the bathroom or dancing in the halls.  (That goes for kids and teachers alike).  Here are 6 tips to get you going and a list of 38 routines […]

Morning Activities For Students Made Easy

Morning Activities for Students Made Easy

Morning Activities For Students Made Easy Morning activities for students that require your them to be engaged, independent, and learning are essential to a successful learning environment.  Grab these free easy prep printables to get your student’s day off to a great start. Establishing Routine On the top of the morning activities for students priority […]

30 Second Teacher Hack To Organize Curriculum

30 Sec Hack

Use This 30 Second Teacher Hack To Organize Your Curriculum Are you tired of search each week for classroom activities to spice up your boring curriculum?  You spent countless hours last year finding amazing resources but now when you go to find them for this year, you can’t recall where or if you kept copies […]

Build A Class Chant For A Happy School Year

build a Class Chant

Building Classroom Chants For A Happy School Year Set yourself up for a happy school year by establishing classroom rules and classroom chants to review classroom expectations everyday.   Picture this: 1:35 pm, your administrator walks in for an unannounced observation.  He sits on a small chair at the back of the room and crosses […]

75+ Classroom Supplies For Teachers

Back To School Supply List For Teachers

75+ Classroom Supplies For Teachers What are the classroom supplies you need for your the new school year? Keep reading to download the free 75+ Classroom Supplies for Teachers checklist.  This list also includes a list of personal self care items that will bring joy into your teacher life. Three Cheers For Teacher School Supplies […]

Back To School Welcome Packet Essentials

Welcome Packet Post

Back To School Welcome Packet Getting ready for a new school year requires a TON of work.  There’s no way around it. If you are a primary teacher then your job is even a bit more of a challenge. This series breaks down this overwhelming undertaking into time and tasks. We are focusing on the […]

Easy Curriculum Mapping With This Calendar Template

graphic Curriculum mapping

Easy Curriculum Mapping With This Calendar Template The People, The Paperwork and Now… The Planning It’s 2 months before school starts and you are raring to go. Today we will tackle “The Planning” for the new school year and talk about using a calendar to do some easy curriculum mapping.  If you’ve been following this […]

How To Organize the Chaos With The Teacher Binder

Teacher Binder

How To Organize The Chaos With A Teacher Binder “Picture this: You’re be sitting in a staff meeting and people throwing paper at you. Now what? Where do you put it? No worries. Teacher Binder to the rescue.  Punch those papers and put in the binder.” -Keep reading to get your teacher life organized with […]