Year End Activities To The Rescue

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Year End Activities To The Rescue

Get these end of year activities including a Free End Of Year Bingo where students create their own bingo cards. 

These end of year printables are Low Prep?  You will Stress Less with these free, printable, end of year activities for preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade.

Ready Or Not The Last Week Of School Is Coming

You don’t have to tell me the pressure you’re under.  I get it. I was in education for 25 years. The end of the school year is STRESSSSSSSFUUUULLL.  

So let’s eliminate some of the stress with some time saving, easy prep, student independent, resources that are a must-have for those last weeks of school.

Use this post to get some tips and resources so you can thrive in the next few weeks.

end of school year activity bingo set on a table, scissors and glue stick on top of papers

Stop The Stress With Fun End of Year Activities Like Bingo

If you haven’t already, read the post “Plan The End Of The School Year With Less Stress” click on over and check it out.

Grab your free planning templates and the free Count Down To Summer Poster.

(Yep, Always something awesome and useful for you around here. Except for the first post I ever did… Nothing there for you… Absolutely nothing. So if you like nothing, that’s where you’d want to look.)

The Chaos

Oh, I get it, sisters and bros.  I can see it now.

2 weeks before school’s out and your head is spinning. (Maybe it’s too much Starbucks?….. Nope, it’s the end of year stress and the triple iced cafe mocha.) So much to get done and you aren’t even sure what you need to accomplish in the next 30 minutes.  It’s freaking crazy.

Perspective- Do you have to be perfect?

Here’s your pep talk with a little tough love thrown in.

First, it will all get done.  The last day of school (like the first) will come and go.  Remember you don’t have to be a Pinterest/Instagram Queen/King to end the year successfully.  Those things are great but they take time and $$$. My advice: You do you.

And be happy and confident and not one bit guilty that your countdown calendar isn’t all fancily (is fancily a word) decorated with beach blow up floaties, balloons and ice cream cutouts. Here’s a countdown calendar for you. Free.

One More Thing

Give you and your students a lot of grace.  It’s okay to take it slow. It’s okay if things get a little wild.  It’s okay if it looks like a freaking tornado hit your classroom and you’re wearing two different flip-flops. (You have underwear on right? See,  you’re a winner. Oh, no underwear???… That just means your dreaming… another school dream… WAKE UP… There… Now put on those flip flops and get to work.)

What You Need Is Time

Time, time, time. In a teacher life, there’s just not enough of it.  Especially at the end of the year. Keep your students busy, happy and learning (independently) right up to the end with this Free End Of School Year Bingo Activity.  

Perfect if you need a preschool printable bingo, kindergarten bingo, or first-grade printable bingo.

Advantage One: Students Make Their Own Cards

Warning: This activity will keep your students out of your hair for a good chunk of time so be prepared to use the time to do something useful like count construction paper, write thank you notes, find the bottom of your desk.

Advantage Two: Easy Prep

Each student needs a blank board and a sheet to cut out and glue onto the board. (I don’t know about you but that’s easy prep. I can copy, pee, eat a sandwich, check my Instagram, and plan for the next lesson all at the same time- oh don’t judge me – You do it too- except you’re probably eating a salad and checking Facebook.  So if you are going to judge- judge my eating habits. They suck. And yes, I did wash my hand… notice I didn’t say hands… okay, maybe you can judge me.)

Advantage Three: They can play it without your help.

Well pretty much without your help.  If you pick the right kid, and you know THE kid you need to pick, then it can be an independent activity from start to finish.

You can take a nap in the corner (I’m kidding don’t take a nap in the corner, your administrator will see you.  Always take naps under your desk. Then when the administrator comes in you can say you were practicing for an earthquake drill.)

Advantage Four: Play it several times.

Yep, if it’s good once its good 43 times. (wink) That’s why I made the spinner that determines what kind of bingo game your students will play next.  If you play this right you can use this game for days, and days, and days.

The Best End Of Year Activity- Bingo

I told you to come here if you were in a hurry but then you would have missed a little teacher love and laughter along the way.  (Missed the love and laughter because you skimmed too fast? Go back and read the bold print and you’ll get the gist.)

Click the picture and fill in your info.  Then please check your email inbox… it’s there.

Getting Ready For Next Year?

Just because it’s the end of the year doesn’t mean we can’t dream about a better life for next year.  If you are so inclined go to my resource page to check out some ideas of stuff you are going to want to order for next year.

Other End of Year Posts With Great End Of Year Activities

Other End of Year Posts you will find useful. 

Kids Should Earn The End of School Year Count Down Activities– Freebies in this post

Stop End Of School Year Teacher Stress– Freebies in this post too. Yahoo!!

End Of Year Poem– printable

Looking for other teacher blog posts about the end of the year activities. I loved this one over at Simplykinder. I’ve done the beach ball activity before and it was… a ball….. bahhhhhhahhh. 

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Picture of Angie K

Angie K

I love to help teachers create an amazing teacher life.
I've taught for 25+ years and I want to help you find joy and energy in each day.

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