Be Organized - Make A Teacher Binder

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Teacher Binder Organization, Get (And Stay) Organized In Minutes

Summary: Using a teacher binder to organize your teacher life is one of the best things you can do to alleviate teacher stress.  This free download includes a teacher binder cover as well as other divider pages to keep you organized this school year. (Check Out Another Post On Teacher Binders)

Crushing the Beginning Of School

You’ve started the school year off with joy and enthusiasm.  You love your students, and you are crushing the beginning of the school year. 

Disorganization Is Slowly Creeping In

But there’s one problem. You are slowly feeling more and more disorganized. 

 Maybe you’ve lost a few important papers.  Maybe you aren’t sure where your lesson plan book landed.  Where are those important papers you got at the last staff meeting?  

Sure you could clean your desk off and probably (not) find everything you need, but that’s going to take time and time is the one thing you don’t have a lot of?

Stop The Stress And Make More Time For Yourself

Do yourself a favor and make yourself a teacher binder right now.

If you take the next 10 minutes (yes, 10 minutes), you can save yourself from the stress of losing, and searching for all the “stuff” you need to keep track of.  A teacher binder will save you time. Let’s Do This!!

Get Updated 20-21 School Year

How Does A Teacher Binder Keep You Organized?

A teacher binder keeps you organized by keeping all the info that you need right at your fingertips. 

What Do You Need Access To Daily?

A Teacher Organization Binder might include information that you need access to daily like lesson plans,  schedules, or usernames and passwords for you and your students.

What Do You Need Access To At a Moments Notice?

 It also contains important information that you don’t use every day, but when you need it, you don’t want to spend time looking for it. 

When building your teacher binder you’ll want to include things like student information, parent contact information, bus schedules, staff meeting notes, school handbook.

Get 2020-21 School Year Update Teacher Binder By Clicking Below

Where Do I Start With Teacher Binder Organization?

To help you build your teacher binder I’ve included 12 (adorable… but not too adorable) Divider pages to help this process.  You might need to add some divider pages of your own but this is going to give you an excellent start.

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    How Big Should My Teacher Binder Be?

    In my experience, a good size for a teacher binder is the 3-inch ring binders.  Yah, it’s big. 

    But let’s get real for a second.  How much do you as a teacher need to be able to put your finger on at a moment’s notice….. I rest my case.

    How Do I "Accessorize" my Teacher Binder?

    No, earrings or bling needed (unless you want to). What I’m talking about are the extras that are going to make this binder even better. Here’s a list to put this teacher binder in a category all its own.

     Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. Please understand that I have experience with, or have seen the value of all of these resources, and I recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.

    Accessory 1: The Portable Hole Punch

    A hole punch that fits right in your binder is one of those accessories that you are going to love.  Getting a 3-hole punch that you can access anytime is a lifesaver.  

    Imagine you are at a staff meeting and the administrator starts the barrage of paper handouts.  In the old days, you stacked them in a pile and promptly lost them as soon as they hit your desk back in your classroom.  Not anymore!! 3-hole punch those little yummies and put them right into your binder. Now you know right where to find them. (Can’t you just see yourself right now?  All organized and confident? I can totally see you crushing this.

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    ir?t=makingthebasi 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B07CQJWYYC

    Accessory 2: Vinyl page divider/pockets

    These are handy because sometimes you can’t 3-hole punch a piece of paper.  Having a place to put these little yummies is essential in staying organized.

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    ir?t=makingthebasi 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B01FKQBAES

    Accessory 3: Page Protectors

    Putting something in a page protector is an easy way to give it a higher value of importance.  I’d put things like usernames and passwords of students in page protectors. That way, when a student needed a username and password, I can find it quickly.

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    ir?t=makingthebasi 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B07C425X2N

    Accessory 4: Pencil Pouch

    It’s a good idea to have a pencil pouch in your teacher binder.  Not only is it great for pens and pencils, but it’s also great for a throat lozenge or pack of gum.

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    ir?t=makingthebasi 20&l=am2&o=1&a=B07DP1TVJN

    Word of Caution

    I need to tell you this- Your teacher friends are going to start to notice that you are super organized.  They are going to start coming to you for the handouts from the staff meeting and the benchmark cut-offs from the last testing sessions.  Of course, you can be the teacher they come to but wouldn’t it be better for you to shared the secret of your success?  

    It’s never too late to start a teacher binder.  Give them this link and get them started on their own organized teacher adventure. 

    It’s exactly what a good teacher friend would do. 

    In Conclusion: Teacher Binder Organization

    It’s never too late to start a teacher binder. There are so many advantages that you will make it a part of every school year.  Set yours up today and say goodbye to spending countless hours looking for lost info. Have it all at your fingertips. Start living your stress-free teacher life.  

    Don't Forget To Get Your Free Teacher Binder Starter Kit Before You Go

    Get started being organized with this free Teacher Binder Starter Kit.  

    You Don’t Have To Waste Your Valuable Time Looking For Lost Paper.  Get Yourself Organized Today.  

    Get Organized And STAY Organized. 

    (Click the image below to take the first step in making a teacher binder.) 

    What Do You Need??????
    Be Ready With This Complete Supply Checklist
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      Picture of Angie K

      Angie K

      I love to help teachers create an amazing teacher life.
      I've taught for 25+ years and I want to help you find joy and energy in each day.

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